Elon Musk, Predlogi naslovov Jacka Dorseyja za manjšo anonimnost na Twitterju

Nekdanji CEO Twitterja Jack Dorsey in Elon Musk, Generalni direktor Tesle in novi lastnik Twitterja, so obravnavali predloge, da bi morala biti platforma družbenih medijev manj anonimna. Klinična psihologinja dr. Jordan B. Peterson je med uporabniki, ki želijo manj…

Strah pred vojno, Opičje koze povzročajo osip na delniških in kripto trgih, medtem ko plemenite kovine naraščajo

Stock and cryptocurrency markets on Thursday saw volatility, after experiencing fluctuations during the tensions between China and Taiwan on Tuesday and Wednesday. Major indexes like the S&p 500, Dow Jones, and NYSE have shed a few percentages today, while the global

De-Mixing Wasabi Coinjoin Transactions: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis’ Deanonymizing Claims

V torek, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the